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Richard Held, Yuri Ostrovsky, Beatrice de Gelder, Tapan Gandhi, Suma Ganesh, Umang Mathur & Pawan Sinha

The newly sighted fail to match seen with felt

Nature Neuroscience, Volume 14, pages 551–553 (2011)

Neuron, Volume 92, Issue 3, 2 November 2016, Pages 647-652

Neuroscience and Service

Pawan Sinha

Pawan Sinha and Richard Held

F1000 Med Reports2012, 4:17 (doi: 10.3410/M4-17)

Sight restoration

Assessing the impact of a program for late surgical intervention in early-blind children

Public Health, Volume 146, May 2017, Pages 15-23

A. Kalia, T. Gandhi, G. Chatterjee, P. Swami, H. Dhillon, S. Bi, N. Chauhan, S.D. Gupta, P. Sharma, S. Sood, S. Ganesh, U. Mathur, P. Sinha

Immediate susceptibility to visual illusions after sight onset.

Current Biology
Gandhi, T., Kalia, A., Ganesh, S., Sinha, P. (2015)

Results of late surgical intervention in children with early-onset bilateral cataracts.

British Journal of Ophthalmology, 98(10), 1424-28.

Ganesh, S., Arora, P., Sethi, S., Gandhi, T., Kalia, A., Chatterjee, G. and Sinha, P. (2014)

Development of pattern vision following early and extended blindness

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 11(5), 2035-39.
Kalia, A., Lesmes, L., Dorr, M., Gandhi, T., Chatterjee, G., Ganesh, S., Bex, P., and Sinha, P. (2014)

Improvement in spatial imagery following sight onset.

Gandhi, T., Ganesh, S., and Sinha, P. (2014)
Psychological Science, 25(3), 693-701. 
Sinha, P., Chatterjee, G., Gandhi, T., and Kalia, A. (2013)
PLOS Biology, 11(12), e1001741 

Restoring vision through 'Project Prakash': The opportunities for merging science and service

Once blind and now they see.

Scientific American, 309, 48-55.
Sinha, P. (2013)

Vision following congenital blindness

Psychological Science, Vol 17, Issue 12, pp. 1009 - 1014

Yuri Ostrovsky, Aaron Andalman, Pawan Sinha

Tapan K. Gandhi, Amy Kalia Singh, Piyush Swami, Suma Ganesh, and Pawan Sinha

Pawan Sinha

Current Biology, Volume 27, Issue 9, pR329–R331, 8 May 2017

Pawan Sinha

Emergence of categorial face perception after extended early-onset blindness

PNAS 2017; published ahead of print May 22, 2017

Yuri Ostrovsky, Ethan Meyers, Suma Ganesh, Umang Mathur, Pawan Sinha

Visual parsing after recovery from blindness

Psychological Science, Vol 20, Issue 12, pp. 1484 - 1491

Jake Bouvrie, Pawan Sinha

Elsevier, Volume 70, Issues 13–15, August 2007, Pages 2218-2233

Visual object concept discovery: Observations in congenitally blind children, and a computational approach

Kalia, Amy & Phillips, Flip & Merabet, Lotfi & Sinha, Pawan. (2018). Why Does the Cortex Reorganize after Sensory Loss?. Trends in cognitive sciences. 22. 10.1016/j.tics.2018.04.004

Gilad-Gutnick, Sharon & Samuel Harmatz, Elia & Tsourides, Kleovoulos & Yovel, Galit & Sinha, Pawan. (2018). Recognizing Facial Slivers. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 30. 1-12. 10.1162/jocn_a_01265.

Gilad-Gutnick, Sharon & Samuel Harmatz, Elia & Tsourides, Kleovoulos & Yovel, Galit & Sinha, Pawan. (2018). Recognizing Facial Slivers. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 30. 1-12. 10.1162/jocn_a_01265.

Kalia, Amy & Gandhi, Tapan & Chatterjee, Garga & Swami, Piyush & Dhillon, Harvendra & Bi, Shakeela & Chauhan, Naval & Das Gupta, Shantanu & Sharma, Preeti & Sood, Saahil & Ganesh, Suma & Mathur, Umang & Sinha, Pawan. (2017). Assessing the impact of a program for late surgical intervention in early-blind children. Public health. 156. 15 -23.

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